Full Version: Recommended gaming gear
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So I thought we could have a thread where we could recommend eachother gaming gear like PC parts or accesories for consoles or something else gaming related you want to recommend to other people. Also a thread for people to post about what they should look for when for example buying a headset for gaming or Graphics card.

Right now I just bought a gaming headset(because I didn't think of this thread before afterwards)

[Image: steelseries-siberia-v2--red--pc-gaming_8743738000.jpg]
A Steelseries Siberia V2 (Red)
anyone got any experience with a similiar one?
aight sorry to do a double post, but I just found something out about seagates HDDs, and it's that they have a high failure rate. In another forum I'm part of, they say that they have had Seagates HDDs and many of them have failed.

Just wanted to let you know, if you ever think of buying one in the future.