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Off the top of my head i can remember two dreams.

The void that stares back:I'm in Mexico, my immediate family is hanging out with some relatives at my grandma's old house. It was my mom, dad, a close aunt. As they're hanging out, my little sister comes out of a room but she has no eyes. Her sockets are just empty. No eyelids no nothing. It was terrifying. I didn't know what to do my mind was all over the place. She didn't show any signs of being in pain or anything, but she didn't talk either. I ran to my mom who began crying hysterically and i soon followed. Woke up crying irl.

Trouble in paradise: In this dream, my family and i were vacationing in mexico very near a beach. It was a very nice little town like you'd see in mexican soap operas. Out of the blue people start running like crazy. In the midst of everything i get seprated from my parents. I end up getting knocked into a fruit stand and two zombies jump on me. I hold off both pushing them with my hands but i get distracted by some asswipe. One of them bites me right under my belly button but its a very light bite. I manage to toss them aside and begin running. I hole up in a hotel where i find my dad. the look on his face i can't quite describe. He tells me that he also got separated from my mother and little sister.. but he was able to see how they tore my little sister apart. this devastated me and i crumpled to the ground. outside people are getting attacked non-stop. I run out and just wonder around. I end up finding my mom and bring her back to the hotel. For some reason my other sister isin't in this dream.

fuck, it sucks that i dream the worst things for my little sister Sad
(09-03-2015, 12:36 AM)GodHatesHipster Wrote: [ -> ]The void that stares back:I'm in Mexico, my immediate family...

Fuckin lols
A few hours ago.

My house is a little different built in the inside but the outside is the same.
So in real life, someone came around to clear the trees surrounding the house across the street from me.
I'm guessing some new people will move in.
A few months later, there's a car parked on the side of the house.
So in my dream, I went to snoop around to see if anyone lived there.
I can hear loud music playing and the blinds are angled in a way that I can see whose inside.
I think I can see two people, but I know for sure I can see one, and he's playing on a big screen TV.
There's a wrestling game being played. ew.
I walked away silently. But in the middle of his walkway I decided to stomp my way out of his yard. (WHY THE FUCK? RIGHT?)

I get home. My friend calls. Shortly a knock on the door. I answered it, struggling to unlock the fucking thing. The weirdest lock ever.
I look at outside, and there's a skinny but ripped black dude holding a fucking Scimitar! He looking mad as fuck.
I think this is the dude that lives in the house.
I stupidly open the door and greet him like ain't shit happening follow by a panic "PLEASE DON'T STAB ME!".
He went from a threat stance into a friendly stance as the Scimitar turns into a folded poster.
He opens it and shows me multiple drawings of it filled with Mortal Kombat characters.
I gasped @_@
"He knows I like Mortal Kombat thouuuuughhhhh".

So we talked. He likes wrestling. I told him that I'm old school. And how I don't like the latest wrestling games and why. The dream switches to me and my next door neighbors, who in reality are loud, but in my dream, they live next door to him. And we are beefing. But that dream fades and ends shortly.
A few days ago, I've had a dream where I'm looking at myself in the mirror and I look all crazy and evil with red eyes, I was cutting myself across my chest, blood dripping everywhere...I just woke up normally, then I was eh.

This morning, had a dream where I was driving around the parking lot like normal, then all of sudden I got of my car and stole a guy's van, I had a machete stabbed his neck blood everywhere, then after that I woke up, normal ,no screaming or anything.

I guess it's true what my buddy says, when you workout your dreams become more vivid, and they have been indeed.
^ Dat roid rage tho?
(09-13-2015, 04:10 PM)WeaponTheory Wrote: [ -> ]^ Dat roid rage tho?

Probably, I bottle up my anger.
Had an interesting dream that I was witnessing a movie (first person view).

It featured Jennifer Aniston and Will Ferrell.

A Rated R comedy.
I'm not sure what it was about besides Will Ferrell playing the same role....a guy who is a constant fuck up.
I just remember a hilarious scene. They were in a van. I guess it's stuck. Right under a freeway or some kind of secluded alley place or something.

There was a raunchy scene of them getting out of the van. Will Ferrell's character is pissed about something so you just see him getting out of the driver side door and walking towards the back of the van to go around to Jennifer Aniston's passenger side. Mind you, the camera view is set behind the van, so all you see is Will Ferrell walking towards the camera a bit, again he's still shouting about something. Then when Will gets to the back of the van, the camera pans over to the right, over Will's shoulder to see Jennifer Aniston's character standing beside the van with her back towards the door, so basically you see a side shot of her body.
Her panties down around her thighs and she's playing with her pussy and moaning.
Jennifer's character says something along the lines how him being mad gets her horny.
The camera cuts to Will Ferrell's face which suddenly he has sunglasses and his shirt collar is popped up, but it's exaggerated. Like the collar is 6 inches high around his neck. And he let's out something short like "oh my" or something.

Will Ferrell still with a shocked look on his face, then quickly turns around and the camera follows his face...the scene ends.

What I could remember next is Jennifer Aniston's character is sleeping in the back of the van. Will Ferrell's character for whatever reason decides to get out and open the back to do something, I forgot. He sees her sleeping weird. So he's trying to move her leg, but it's like hella stiff. She isn't dead though. So he keeps pulling her leg until he slip and her foot slams through the van. Bitch has a strong leg I guess. But when she did it. She let out a fart.
Then Will Ferrell is screaming "OHHH GOD!!!!", he turns to the camera and he has shit all over his shirt.
Pan closely to Jennifer's leg, there's a stream of shit running down her leg.
Will Ferrell sees this and he doesn't know what to do.

The camera cuts to some hours later.
She's still in the back of the van, but 40% of her body is covered in shit. And she's wearing a diaper.
She's waking up and rolling around. She's groggy, she reaches to her ass cheek to scratch. Her hand is covered in shit. She scratches her face, which smears it on her.

My dream did not continue long enough to get her reaction when she awoken.

*edit* Just did some researching and I think there has never been a movie with both of them in it.
C'mon universe. Steal my idea again and make it happen. You already took Chronicle from me!
Egoraptor the gigglefucker.

It was me, Arin Hanson aka Egoraptor, and someone else. We are in a vehicle and Arin is driving. We're on a highway. We're goofing off and having a grand ol time. Much laughter was had. And this dumb motherfucker decides to giggle his way onto the wrong side of traffic.

He's pushing the pedal. Full speed ahead. I can feel myself sinking, full of fear, yelling at him to slow down, stop, quit playing, anything! We wreck into a commercial truck that got smacked into another big vehicle. I crawl but Arin and the other person is nowhere to be found. Traffic stops. On lookers at the scene. And they're laughing at me....I'm asking why, only to get a response that "I was a fool that deserved it".

I'm very sad and no one wants to help me. A family car pulls up near me, a little gets out, and gave me her stuffed animal. I hugged it, got up and limped away from the scene. After a some feet, I "woke up".
I'm on a couch, and there's a dinner gathering going on. This was the laughter I heard in my dream. Unfortunately, people were starting to leave, so I missed out on the dinner and company.

Then I really woke up. The chatter in my dream turns out to be the chatter from my neighbors. Loud asses.

Night time. At my house, I think I was having a party or something. Later, one of my friend's had their wife drive by, I think he had to go and I'm all like "nuuu". I went outside with him to greet his wife and little daughter and tell them hi and stuff.
Weirdly I get in a car parked beside the sidewak, but it wasn't that vehicle. It was me and three other dudes, one who was in my class from the school days but in reality we never talk.

There's a car in front of us too getting loud. Then I see an arm reaching out weilding a gun. *POW POW POW*
I'm ducking and leaning over so I won't get shot. Then a few of us we're screaming "Drive! Go!". We're out. Speeding. Quick turns. We met a dead end. We got out running, it felt like instantly that there's handful of helicopters flying around.

We'#e trying to avoid the spot light but got spotted and we're being yelled at through the horn. We're in some kinda abandon pipe drain or something being chased by cops. Similar to the mission in Tony Hawks American Wasteland. Probably why I dream this because I played it weeks ago.

There's a big ass vault door ish to open. I'm last to the scene and I can see them get shot up the moment they ran through it. Stupidly I go through hand up saying shit like "I'm innocent, I don't know them!". "GET ON THE GROUND! GET DOWN! DOWN!".
So far so good, I'm not gunned down immediately. This guy with a yellow hazmat suit walks by. I repeated myself. He walks by slowly and points his gun to me "Yeah yeah shut up". *Pow Pow Pow*......he missed all shots. I fake dead. Another guy comes up and sprays me down with something. I held my breath and lied there.

I awoken to a contained bright silver room filled with mutated colorful monster people. And so was I. They were in the middle of rehersing a song and everybody had a part. I never got a chance to sing though because I woked up.
Mean Snake Bitches

I guess I was seeing it from a third person view and had nothing to do with anything. But there was a part inside a locker shower room or something of the like. Group of women wearing towels. This one woman out of the group, I think the day before she must've snitched on someone and betrayed her group of friends. So they beat her the fuck down. Either one of them threw her into it or out of nowhere a fucking anaconda snags her ass, wrapping her up and shes screams for dear life, and then it starts swallowing her very slowly.
Holy shit it was scary since the view was so close to the action.
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