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(11-02-2015, 05:11 PM)WeaponTheory Wrote: [ -> ]

Omg the roommate segment was terrifying

I have no words.
Never thought I'll do it. But I'm watching their Mario Maker series. This seems like the series that finally lives up to the GameGrumps name.

I gotten used to Danny now. I must say that the Dan and Arin combination is a nice flow of chemistry. They are at the same level of each other which makes the jokes smoother and can last longer. Jon just marches to the beat of his own drum, that's just how he is, so it's hard for him to be on par with Arin (or anyone else on that matter) with on the spot stuff which makes their jokes a bit jagged and leads Jon to randomly yell a lot to compensate, which becomes evident as fuck if you ever bother to watch the 'best of jontron game grumps' compilation. As I already mention, Jon is way too loud for my taste, even Arin constantly mentions it (see the Sonic 06 series for starters). I personally gotten bigger laughs from the Dan/Arin combo.

Endless Ocean 2 series.

Dan really shines in that. Both Arin and Dan provide unique character voices when reading assigned character dialogues from the game. Something Jon wouldn't be able to pull off, even Jon admittedly saying he's not good at voice acting and praises Arin a lot at his ability to do so. Instead I can just see Jon doing nothing but scream into the mic every time a fish swims by.

Another of my favorite which was my first Dan series I think if not Punch-Out Wii, was
Trauma Center Second Opinion.

Again, that chemistry is just there.

I believe people miss Jon because of 'Jontron' and not Jon himself, and the mindset that he was first. I know this probably looks like a "Jon sucks" post, but it goes without saying that the Jontron channel needed to comeback, where Jon exceeds so much at with his written material and his own pace which cannot be properly represented in Game Grumps. So, I think it was for the best that Jon went back. And I'm glad it happen, because Jontron produced some good stuff last year, even birthing a catchy song using quotes from a few of his episodes.
(01-06-2016, 01:07 AM)WeaponTheory Wrote: [ -> ]a lot of shit

I thought of the same thing while watching portal 2. instead of them both knowing what to do now, dan is a total idiot and arin is a bit less of an idiot. so that make them both idiots at playing games. And even though I ripped my dicks a thousand times while watching them, it has been good.



Not really, almost clever edit.
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