Full Version: Thoughts on the virtual reality devices?
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Think about it. Just think about it. We are in the age of virtual reality helmets. And yet, the first thing people wanna do is fuck something with it. The second thing the person wants to do is live in Grand Theft Auto land. Doomed. applenuke
I personally would prefer augmented reality rather than virtual reality. For example, wearing smart glasses, or whatever they'll be called, and you can look at your car and it shows you what is what and how to fix whatever is wrong with it. Or be able to look at what you are cooking and it tells you how hot it is, how long until you flip it, or whatever... Somewhat simple things that can help you improve yourself to the point that eventually you won't need the smart glasses anymore. (although some will probably become dependent on it)

I haven't tried any virtual reality devices yet, so I can't say much. I'm worried that if I bought one I might not notice someone breaking into my house and stealing my shit while I'm off derping in a video game.

As for the sex virtual reality stuff, it was kind of expected. People love them boobies.
Man, we are still far from getting virtual reality close tobsword art online. I feel like with current vr there's still that lag separating it from feeling real. I haven't tried any vr devices that's just a outsider looking in on the topic. I think for vr to really take it to the next level, it has to meds with our nerves/senses/ all that sciency shit. It does suck that the first thing people want to do is bang a loli. But the porn industry has the money y'know. The first one to provide that service is gonna bank.
Well, I'm still happy with gaming on a screen, I really want to see what they can do with the VR headsets Because seeing stuff like that seems weird to me. When I can walk around with a VR headset on and do actions with my hands instead of a controller and it works PERFECT I might consider a VR headset and walking platform and all that but for now... IDK. It feels like I need more than something in front of my eyes to be that immersed in an experience.
Meh. I still have one of these things. I like it, despite what anyone else says. It obviously does have its flaws.
I remember going to vegas as a kid, and there were tons of arcades everywhere. Not kidding. Every hotel on the strip had a huge one. It was fucking glorious. The thing is, a lot of them had the virtual reality arcade machines, which were gigantic, and even though they were limited with how one could feel immersed in a game, they were still cool as fuck, but the problem is, they were like 25 bucks for one turn! I was like 'the fuck? 25 dollars? You serious???'

And now that video games have evolved so much since then, and to know that it's going to be making a comeback, it has me excited. The funny thing is, I'm still saying right now what I said as a kid. "$600 plus shipping for the oculus?? The fuck?? You serious??"

Can't wait for mine to ship out.
Pretty much it's a screen stuck to your face now, It's not true VR yet, We don't feel anything through the device, like the matrix. I'll give it about 50 more years or so, before we are there. I mean look at those fake ass "Hoverboards".