Full Version: Adventure board game (not DnD) (WIP)
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So I have been working on a board game which I abonded because I figured it took too little time and then stuff came up and I didnt know how to rework it.

So, you move around with no dice on a board made of "tiles" when you flip these tiles you see a location, treasure, or a monster you can fight.

[Image: mD4vTn5.jpg]

you can only fight monsters or get the treasure if you have the attack "coins" or the compass "coins" to get them. if you don't its back to start or back to your camp. you have a camp coin to which you can set up at camp sites in each area.

[Image: 88cM8Dd.jpg]

what im showing in the pictures is a prototype which I was going to test.
with 15 tiles in each area (mountain, ocean and forest) and you are 3 people, the game might be over in 15 turns, shorter if you are more people.
maybe its a matter of just adding more areas? maybe. also the areas are made with difficulty, like if you go to the ocean you wont find much, but its easy to find it. opposite with mountain, and forest is right in between.

[Image: EsIpLVM.jpg]

how to win is also an open ending sort of, I thought of having these "challenge cards" so that you get a challenge to complete, like for example "find and defeat the kraken" the game ends when you do that. but you can also end the game where all of the treasure is found or all the monsters are dead. the "true" ending is when the board is fully explored and you count up your treasure and money, to see who got the most.

I may not have told everything, so feel free to come with questions.

PS: oh yeah the green/blue/grey icons means you need them to fight or get the treasure, the yellow is reward

PPS: also some treasure is showing what its worth if you trade it in, because all treasure have a power which you can use instead.

PPPS: also you can move one tile at a time.
How the fuck do you move?
you just move 1 tile at a time when its your turn.
It's confusing. I need visual instructions.
yeah, also im not so good at explaining it, but i promise you its simple if i could show you.

ill try: for example:
you move to an unexplored tile, flip it, and you see something like wolves, you need 1 attack coin(one sword) to kill it. if you have it, you get the rewards which are in yellow(a compass coin and a gold coin). then the others have their turn

if they go to your tile, they have to fight you, if they have more attack coins(swords) than you, they kill you, and can get your gold coins.)

if they go on another tile, like the ruins, they need a compass coin to loot it. if they have they get 2 gold coins and an attack coin. if they dont, the treasure is open for someone else to get later, but you now know where it is.

theres also "disaster tiles" (avalanche, tidal wave, forest fire) which sends you right to start (or your camp site)

a camp site is a place where you can move your start point to and from, because you also have a bonfire coin, which shows where you have your "spawn point". these places you also replenish your sword coins and compass coins, and you can store your gold coins, so no one can take them.